Hello all,
Well, I wasn't going to worry about the squeaking coming from my
engine until today. It reached such a fever that I decided to worry
myself to action, as I'm driving home for Easter break tomorrow.
I grabbed my handy listening stick and tried to find the problem
by placing the stick on the body of the air pump, water pump, and
alternator. I couldn't hear the squeak through the stick!
I then decided to eliminate each pump by pulling belts until the
noise stopped. Air pump checked out ok, alternator checked out ok,
water pump checked out ok! Hmmm....That's not quite right.
I put all the belts back on to try to duplicate the noise - and
it went away! My only guess is that my belts were too tight and I
was putting too much load on either the alternator or the water
As an aside, my lights no longer dim when I hit the brakes, so
I'm going to assume that the alternator belt was too tight and motor
on in glee!
Thanks to all who responded to the problem. They say it's going
to be 80 tomorrow, and I plan on leaving after I get my award at the
college's awards ceremony. Should be a great day for going
top-down. If you see me, wave and smile!
Michael S. Lishego