the way this list has been going...
your P.S. was a smart move! ha ha :-)
Paul Tegler
Twin 73' MGB GTs YB and OB
YB born 8/72 (Primrose Yellow) Yellow BGT
OB born 1/73 (Blaze Red) Orange BGT
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Erickson <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: Loud wailing sound
Edwin Vaughan wrote:
> Whenever I brake after a few minutes of driving I get a loud wailing
> noise coming from somewhere on my car.
I used to get a "loud wailing noise" whenever I used to brake or not
brake soon enough... and when I used to accelerate or decellerate and
when I used to turn corners too fast or too slow - hell, it used to
happen nearly all of the time.
Funny, since the divorce the sound seems to have disappeared completely.
PS This attempt at humour is designed to be non-gender-specific and is
meant to offend no spouses (ex or otherwise) except my own.