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Re: Visors

To: <>, "Eric Erickson" <>
Subject: Re: Visors
From: "Dan Ray" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:24:46 -0600
Mine were fitted on my '73 until I took them out to refurbish them. They're
only useful occasionally, but the car came from the factory with them, so I
intend to keep them there.
I'm 5'10" and I wouldn't use them except n those rare occasions when the sun
is right in your face. Come to think of it, with the top down, they work
flipped all the way UP better than down sometimes!
73 B

>I would be really fascinated to know if any/many actually have these sun
>visors a) fitted; and b) ever in the 'down' position?
>My 'B didn't have visors when I bought her but I can't imagine using
>them, either.  As it is, I generally have to look 'over' the top of the
>windscreen to see things like traffic lights (it is a bugger when the
>top is up) but with these visors 'down' there must be very little room
>left to see out of the windscreen.
>If you do have them down and are comfortable with this, how tall are you
>(I am just on 6 foot)?
>'68MGB MkII (with another 10 months of grace)

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