After reading through the posts from the weekend, I hope not to
start another war.
In answer to your question, someone came up with a good idea.
Followed through the idea to production. Marketed the product and is now
reaping the benefit of hard work. The battery boxes are intended for a
unique small market, so quantities are going to be limited. To make the
investment in time, tooling and marketing worthwhile a high per unit profit
is required.
That said, the battery boxes in question were not thought of,
designed or manufactured by Moss Motors. Moss does market them as do other
My hat is off to the person who did come up with the idea and
followed through. Despite some minor problems with the product, they
fulfill a real need, not thought of by BMC.
One point. Some group 21 and 26 batteries have an oversize lip on
the bottom and may not fit the box.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Skye Poier []
> Sent: Sunday, March 28, 1999 12:13 PM
> To: MG Nuts
> Subject: Re: MGB Battery boxes
> Speaking of battery boxes,
> Does the Moss battery box for chrome bumper cars (241-040)
> fit a single
> 12v battery or is it for the 6v variety?
> Don't quite understand how a plastic box costs $35 but anyway :)
> Skye