This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Here was a reply to my message sent to Pierre about his list conduct (or
lack thereof). I will also pass along the advice to filter him out and
not wait for others to do so.
sorry to waste the bandwidth, but this guy needs the big KAIBOSH.
Oh, and by the way.....Pierre, this is an AMERICAN based list, so I
don't have to respond to you in French.
Also, I have taken the advice of fellow listers and I have gone ahead
and BLACKBALLED you myself.
I have a nifty new filter that takes care of people like YOU.
The quiet will be deafening.
Content-Disposition: inline
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 21:42:35 -0500
From: Kevin Richards <>
X-Sender: "Kevin Richards" <> (Unverified)
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en]C-gatewaynet (Win98; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Pierre Racine <>
Subject: Re:
References: <l03110703b3244234dfe6@[]>
Hey, I'm British, so say all you want about Americans, I was just
pointing out to you how irrevocably childish you are, and since you
agree with me, my argument is won.
Good day.
Kevin Richards.
PS, if you are going to post to me, CC the list so they can have another
good giggle at you.
Pierre Racine wrote:
> Well, Kevin, not only the last exchange but most of my exanges were childish.
> That's one point. It was my intention to do so. Though, I'm not sure
> childish is adequate. I'm sure if it were in French, I'd find a better
> word. Anyway, giving the sea of stupidity I saw from my first technical
> comments, I decided to go down to the average intellectual level I found
> here, and still douwner... and play along another line.
> You said "badly typed". I agree too, though there were'nt that much. And I
> was aware of it. I didn't feel like checking out my dictionnary for a bunch
> ( NOT ALL, BUT SOME) of illeterate bounsers from America threatening me
> with posts "du genre": DELL THAT GUY or I'M AN OLD CROTHETY...WASP
> You know, typical agressive Big Joe America with a monkey vocabulary
> repertoire of about three words...
> And you have the guts to talk about a culture you don't have the faintiest
> idea about (French), whose langage, among other things, is too complex for
> your square head.
> By the way, can you post me a french version and i'll see how many spelling
> mistakes you're scoring.... You seem so sensitive on that one.
> I'm waiting...
> Now, you said many Americans have a bad image of Canadians (don't believe
> this), particulary French canadians. Well, I agree on that last one. And
> most of them deserve it by the way.
> But it's nothing compare to how many people hate Americans in the WORLD,
> not just in Canada!!!! Don't you agree? Half the planet (not me) want to
> piss on you Johnny Joe, wake up and smell the coffee!! Read whatever
> foreign newspaper you can get your hands on (well of course you can't read
> them,..lack of culture). Canadians have no lessons to receive from you on
> that matter.
> Obnoxious? "French Canadians like yoursel as being rude and brash...", you
> said. That's not obnoxious?
> Rude and brash you say ? From a guy whose country has the worldwide
> reputation of being the most violent on the globe, whose half the citizens
> has a gun on him, whose crime rates (excluding Russia) are the highest in
> the civilised world, whose movies are written with blood all over the
> walls, who thinks of himself as The World Cop, whose citizens feed on Big
> Macs and go to church in Adidas and putt ice in their wine (well if you can
> call that wine...). You call French rudes and brash...
> Are you really living in the States or on Mars... Van Damme de mes fesses...
> Pierre Racine,CANADA