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Re: Surprise Guests

Subject: Re: Surprise Guests
From: john fagerlund <>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:46:59 -0800
And I like it too.

Sorry, It's suposed to be a beautiful Irish red head that says that, not a
balding male,

John Fagerlund
'65 B with great asperations to be back on the road again.

At 06:00 PM 3/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
>frank krajewski wrote:
>> We must have a special mutant breed of mouse here in Rhode Island as
>> they are immune to the noxious odor emitted by moth balls. I have used
>> the moth ball remedy for years and find those pesky rodents this past
>> winter actually built a nest right on top of some of them! Now, in
>> addition to the repulsive moth ball odor, I also have it mixed with the
>> pungent acrid aroma of mouse urine! Any other suggestions? I have heard
>> of oregano? Anyone else?
>> Frank "Swamp Yankee" Krajewski
>I have heard that if you cut a bar of Irish Spring Soap in half
>and put one half in the boot and the other half in the car you 
>will completely eliminate rodents!  And when you get in the car 
>in the spring your car will smell fresher too!

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