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Re: DPO'd again.....

To: Max Heim <>
Subject: Re: DPO'd again.....
From: Eric Stephen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 17:43:09 -0500
Ah ... the beauty of the MGA.  Drop the front licence plate, insert hand crank
and it's all over in a matter of minutes.  No crawling under the car with a
wrench, pushing etc.

Max Heim wrote:

> Valve adjusting tips:
> When I had a concrete driveway, I just put the car in gear and rocked it
> back and forth. Don't need a 2nd party for this. Now that I have a dirt
> patch, I just put a large socket on a 1/2 in. drive and reached in
> carefully between the fan blades to the crankshaft bolt. With the 3-blade
> fan it's simple. Don't know if more modern arrangements make this
> impractical (talking B here -- I suppose a Midget might be a little
> tighter for space). If your fanbelt is nice and tight, you can sometimes
> turn it over just by turning the fan blades, but I wouldn't count on this.
> Should mention that you want to take out the spark plugs to release
> compression, unless you're into bodybuilding.
> Easiest way is with a remote starter switch, available at any auto store.
> If you have the separate starter solenoid mounted on the fender (I lost
> mine when I switched to the later trans, & therefore starter), the big
> rubber button does the trick (but you knew that).
> Good luck
> >When I adjusted the valves on my B I had it up on jack stands from some
> >other work.  I just kept crawling underneath and turning the drive shaft
> >with a pipe wrench.  It wasn't as cubersome as it might sound.  Of course
> >you need someone up on top telling you how much to turn.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Michael Graziano <>
> [snip]
> >|I haven't even gotten to the valves yet.  Anyone have any advice on how to
> >check
> >|and adjust?  I've got the Bently and Haynes book.
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB
> runs great, looks scabrous
> mountain View CA

Regards, Eric Stephen
1960 MGA1600 Roadster
Nepean, Ontario
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