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Re: installing carpet

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: installing carpet
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 10:41:16 -0800
Here is one thing I learned when installing carpet in my B...

This applies to cut-pile carpet (the kind you can see the ends of the 
pieces of yarn) rather than loop carpet (the kind with round bumps but no 
loose ends). Look at the back of each piece of carpet. I had a Moss kit, 
and I noticed that some of the pieces had a "finished" back (some kind of 
sealer over the whole thing), but on others you could see the actual back 
of the twists of yarn exposed. Here's the killer: if you spread contact 
cement on the back of these "exposed" pieces, you will need to place that 
piece of carpet perfectly first try!  because if you try to pull it back 
up to reposition it, the individual twists of yarn will stick to the 
floor and pull through the backing material. Thus the section over the 
wheel well hump behind the seat of my B looks moth-eaten. It is possible 
that they no longer ship this kind of carpet, but I suggest you look out 
for it. 

Someone else on the list may have a better method for dealing with it...
Good luck! otherwise it was pretty straightforward.

Stephanie J. Gibbs wrote:

>With the winter dregs slowly melting away, and hints of spring in the air, I
>recently bought a carpet kit and new top for my MG Midget ('77).  
>Alas, I do not have decent instructions for the installation of these 
>items, and
>would welcome any advice, especially with regards to the carpet.  How do I 
>which pieces go where (the schematic which came with the kit is rather, 
>shall we
>say, general)?  What type or brand of adhesive should I use on the carpet? 
> How
>much time will this process take?  Are there any specific things which 
>ought to
>be done while installing, which I probably know nothing about?
>Any hints on installing the top, to make things easier or more 
>would also be appreciated.
>If anyone has a webpage or other format of information concerning this, 
>feel free to send it to me.
>Thank you,
>Stephanie Gibbs
>(I was on the list about a year ago, and recently re-subscribed, after moving
>from Austin, TX to rural New Hampshire.  The MG was towed behind the moving
>truck, a quite unforgettable experience.)


Max Heim
'66 MGB
runs great, looks scabrous
mountain View CA

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