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mg-t list

To: MG List <>
Subject: mg-t list
From: Bud Krueger <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 17:07:55 -0800
Thought I sent this earlier today but it hasn't shown up so I'll try again.

My reply to the post about splitting the list has given me a number of requests
from folks wanting to know how they can get on the mg-t list. (Apparently a well

kept secret).  It's another list handled by MJB, so the procedure is the same.
Let's see if I can get this right:  send mail to <> with

the following command in the body of your e-mail message:

    subscribe mg-t  (your email address here)

That should do it.  Look forward to seeing you on the list.

Bud Krueger

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