Brent Beermann <> wrote:
>I've got a 72' B /w all the chrome goodies...<<snip>>
>First off, the contacts on the points keep wearing abnormally quick,
>like within 300 - 400 miles. Everything seems to check out fine at the
>local British Car shop and for a mere $160 a pop, they test it all out and
>fix the problem by replacing the vaccuum pump, points, and sometimes
>distributor cap. Now, I'm well aware that Lucas's ignition system was
>poorly engineered, but this bad? I've been told that I should
atleast get 3 - 4 thousand miles on a set of points, if not more. Is it
time to just bite the bullet and throw in a new electronic ignition system
and say goodbye to the original?
Brent -
By now you've gotten several good suggestions from the list. But it seems
everybody is presuming that your condenser has been replaced with the
points, which is routine procedure. But this is such a cheap easy possible
cause - it's worth double-checking. However, having said that, I would
favor the common-cause theories regarding both your problems - like a
voltage regulator run amok. Certainly battery cable connections need to be
clean and tight, but they shouldn't need cleaning every 2 weeks!
Allen H. Bachelder =iii=<
Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs
New Castle, VA 24127