Well, we *finally* got the B on the road on Sunday... The clutch action
is a little close to the floor but not significantly worse than it was
when the car was parked.
Although I believe all the steps helped, the winning item was.....
the slave cylinder pushrod. This was ovalled rather nicely, adding at
least 1/16" and maybe 1/8" of slop.
I do plan to bleed the system one last time, at the same time I'm
rebleeding the brakes (they were a bit frightening, though usable).
So, my car is home, my friend is no longer sporting a maniacal grin and a
can of lighter fluid, and I'm nearly ready to start Getting It Legal.
Thanks again to everyone on the list who helped.
Side notes:
If I cover myself in used motor oil for a few hours, I get a nasty rash.
I am not a lab animal (more of a couch potato).
Oil cooler on a 3 main engine might be more important than on a 5 main
engine. My impression would be that emissions tuning would make the
engine run *hotter*, not cooler. I think you can get away with it as long
as the water cooling system is up to the task. But, what do I know. I've
got one on mine because it came with the car.
Hesitating in cruise is most likely a vacuum leak, as others have
mentioned... it definitely means lean running. The other possibilities
are low fuel flow (pump, filter, clogged jet) low float bowl level (float
adjustment)), worn needle (makes it rich at the idle setting, which causes
you to lean the whole thing). I had to replace the piston and housing on
one of my HIF4s to get that to make my vacuum leak go away.
GT springs will raise the rear of the car noticably over stock.
John M. Trindle | johnt@tsquare.com | Tidewater Sports Car Club
'73 MGB DSP | '69 Spitfire H Stock | '88 RX-7 C Stock