Leave your emissions gear in place for the moment. They do a visual
check here in CT, and the inspector might know what he is looking for.
Following the visual, they do a sniff on the tailpipe. Two or three
years ago CT cut its allowable emmissions in half, to half of what was
allowed when the car was new and passed Federal Specs. We all screamed
about that. The response was to stop testing vehicles age 25 or older,
but your car isn't that old yet. You may need the gear just to pass the
sniffer test. I believe that 1980 cars are still required to be sniffed
every year.
Now I do know that it's possible to pass the test w/o some of the gear;
there are a number of guys in the CT MG Club who have done it.
Considering the generally unpleasant nature of the testing people and the
length of time that you are going to have to wait and wait in line for
the tests, my suggestion is that you play by the book for the first test,
then modify the car afterwards, after you have had a chance to meet guys
who are getting away with it.
Send me your mail address and I'll send you a copy of the club
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 11:24:17 -0500 (EST) "Mark A. Wise"
<> writes:
>Hi all...
>I'm going to be moving to Connecticut this summer with my 1980 MGB. I
>wonderinf if there are emmisions laws/statndards in place there? And
>so, how strict are they? The reason I ask is that I'd like to take
>of my California emmissions "stuff" off of my car to give it a little
>- mark