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Re: Woody is calling again

To: Bill Saidel <>
Subject: Re: Woody is calling again
From: Art Pfenninger <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 13:43:12 -0500 (EST)
Check the battery cables to make sure they are tight as well as the all
cables going to the starter.

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Bill Saidel wrote:

> I am looking to the wisdom of the list. After not starting my year old '76B
> since November, my blood has begun to boil and it is time. I had the
> battery recharged, rehooked it to the car, and turned the key. My newly
> installed radio worked right. (Thanks to the list, of course.) The gas pump
> and the lights went on appropriately, but Woody the woodpecker made a
> horrid noise under the hood. 
> The starting motor or the solenoid is fairly sick. 
> My questions: 
> Why would a layoff of 3 months lead to a problem not encountered last year?
> How does one tell the difference between a sick solenoid or a sick starter?
> Starting was not one of the problems I encountered last year.
> TIA,
> Bill
> **********************************************************************
> Dr. Bill Saidel 
> Assoc. Prof.                    Vocal phone   (609) 225-6336
> Department of Biology           FAX  (609) 225-6312
> Science Building                email:
> 315 Penn St.
> Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
> Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
> "Between the approximation of the idea and the precision
> of reality, there is a small gap of the unimaginable."
> Milan Kundera - "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

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