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Re: Babe Magnets

Subject: Re: Babe Magnets
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 10:42:50 +0000
Allen Hefner took me to task:

> Get your Nomex suit ready Denise!  I find a woman who is knowledgeable and
> interested when it comes to cars (or computers, or any of the sciences, or a
> bundle of other things) very attractive.  You are making a very sexist remark
> by saying that "Men assume that a woman is helpless..." and not qualifying it
> with the word "Some" in front.  (Or even "Most.")  A helpless woman should be
> driving a Japanese jelly bean, not an MG.

A lot of generalizations are made on this list, for instance, what kind of
drive MG's, who waves and who doesn't, how SUV owners drive, what's wrong with
who drive Porsches and Corvettes (add Ferraris to that list), etc.  These are
meant to show interesting trends, not universal truths.  I assumed that 
understands that there are always exceptions (except the part about Porsches 
Corvettes).  I applaud you for being an exception.

My experiences driving LBC's span almost 20 years and things have changed over 
that time.  In fact, I haven't had much reaction to my car for the past few
Except last night when I showed a man my project car and he said, "You're quite 
a mechanic for a gal."

> The car is only part of the mate attraction process.  I can't believe that
> anyone could be so attracted to the car that they would overlook all the other
> sexual signals of the person driving it.  Unless there is a mutual interest in
> cars (or LBCs) a relationship begun as a pickup just because the car is cute,
> probably won't last.

Maybe that's why I no longer get reactions to my car--I'm not trying to attract
mate with a car or anything else.  But from my experience, my cars always
against me in a relationship.  Maybe that's because the time I spent on them 
into my time to clean up after a guy, cook for him, work on his car, listen to 
him brag...  Uh oh, I've really done it now. ;-)

Denise Thorpe
who has Nomex thread from sewing up an ex-boyfriend's racing underwear

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