>> When I tried to use the Unisync, I couldn't get the little
>> plastic float to
>> move at all. I screwed the air flow gadget in the center of
>> the Unisync up
>> and down but no joy at any setting. Anyone have an idea what
>> I'm doing wrong?
> I don't think you're doing anything wrong. My feeling is that an
>SU at idle doesn't suck enough air for the float to move. I had the same
>problem yesterday with the same result - I gave up.
>Dan Pockrus
>'74 CBB
I had the same problem - actually sent one back to MOSS because it behaved
the same way. The replacement was a little better - but still not like the
"original". I think it is a case of the newer "Taiwanese" model not being
as precise as the original. I've used two UniSyn's from owners who had them
for 20 years or so - and they worked just fine at 700 rpm on the 'B. The
newer ones need a little more flow (higher rpm) to get the float floating.
Perhaps it's a poorer fit of the float in the column - or maybe a heavier float?
Rich Mason
'73 MGB
Madison, AL
e-mail--> rmason@ro.com
MG Page-> http://ro.com/~rmason/mgpage.htm
NABMS --> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/5207/