In the kit with the cylinder, did they include any little plastic fittings
and some rubber tubing? If so, attach them to the one or two ports on the
master cylinder that supply the brakes with fluid. If there are no
fittings, find some rubber tubing that will fit snugly in the previously
mentioned ports. Run each (my MGB cylinder was dual-line...The MGA is one?)
of these hoses into the fluid reservoir, and fill with fresh fluid. (I
mounted the cylinder on the car first for ease of bleeding, YMMV) Anyway,
after the hoses are in the full reservoir, pump the brakes or work the
cylinder until the fluid coming from the hoses contains no air and is clean
fluid. Your master cylinder should be bled, enabling an easy bleed of the
rest of the wheels...Good luck!
If you need better instructions, e-mail me...I might be able to make these
more clear...
Michael S. Lishego
>I ordered a new (rebuilt) master cylinder from Apple this morning for a
>1960 MGA and was cautioned to "Bench Bleed" the M/C prior to installing
>on hte car.
>I recall a thread in hte past about bench bleeding, but do not recall
>where or what it said.
>Any tips on the Bench Bleeding routine
>Thanks for your assistance.
>M. W. Jordan, Jr.
>Marietta, GA