Dan Ray wrote:
> This has been bugging me since attending the Louisville BCC meeting. Keith
> Wheeler, are you listening?
> We had an SCCA rep give a talk on Autocrossing, a good talk, but sorta not
> that crowd's "bag". I was interested, though, since I love racing. Even
> though neither my B nor I are even close to being ready for such a strain on
> our abilities.
> One of the Tech Inspection rules he listed was..."NO LEAKS". In addition to
> the "nothing loose" rule, this brought a chuckle from the august body of LBC
> owners...
> How stringent is the "no leaks" inspection rule? I'm sure a "real" race
> prepped LBC is capable of not leaking, but what about a solid "driver" B
> like mine after I get the suspension, head, muffler, tires, ad infinatum,
> fixed?
> Just Curious....
> Dan
> older than Mike Schumacher and Jeff Gordon..moan
> '73 B -- oh yeah, she leaks! But not bad, they all do that, right? hehe ;)
Dan, the point of the no leaks rule is to avoid dropping fluids on
course that will effect other cars. Not intended to preclude the
underside rust prevention program standard on most of our toys. May
require a catch can for radiator and crankcase overflow-blowby. John