Philip Morgan wrote:
> This is a hypothetical question at this stage, but it may become reality
> in the not too distant future. I have a 1975 and a 1974 1/2 MGB. Both
> cars have had the air pump and other emissions control stuff removed. Do
> I have to put all that "good" stuff back on before I can take the cars to
> California? What other problems may be encountered if I choose to keep
> the cars and re-locate in California?
> Regards Philip
Keep the cars and DON't come to californica!With the exception of pre 73
cars they are not car friendly here Now we have to put them on a dyno to
reduce oxides of nitrogen,a fellow MGer says that we will have a hard
time passing because of the constant depression type of carbs will not
pass on the dyno...Is this true?I haven't talked to anyone yet who has
had to have the new test done on their MGs.I've got until Sept but I'm
worried and I have all my smog stuff on except I have an empty CAT
(anyone have a cat for sale cheap?)I called the smog nazi number and
asked them how did they arrived at a NOX figure for our cars and no one
could answer and they put me on hold for asupervisor who never came on!
They have a cutsie ad telling us how we will have so much cleaner air at
only a"small" extra expense....Yeah Right.I also understand you will
have to pay some kind of smog impact fee to get them in the state about
$200 I think.California sucks and been here 30 years the nice
weather is the only thing worthwhile here!