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Re: Was: Happy Days, was: LBCs in Argentina NOW: VIEW ON HISTORY

To: Bert Palte <>
Subject: Re: Was: Happy Days, was: LBCs in Argentina NOW: VIEW ON HISTORY
From: Hert <>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 1998 09:58:21 +0100
Bert Palte wrote:
> Charley wrote:
> > been searching for a history of the American
> >Revolution, written from the British point of view.

>  I met a young guy from Argentina who gave me a totally
> other idea of the Falklands war (aka First Malvinas Operation,
> the war between Britain and Argentina in 1982 over a few small islands
> before the Argentine Coast)

A wider view of history is needed here. Falklands, Malvinas? I
suppose you mean the Seebaldines, as discovered and claimed by
Captain Seebald from Amsterdam (True). Later the islands were
handed over to the Brits in exchange for an OD tranny and a
factory hardtop (not true, but necessary for the LBC reference).


74 Exocet

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