Adrian Jones wrote:
> Dear All,
> Success!!
> The thread was stripped at the opening but felt OK further into the hole so
> I just used a longer bolt. Arr, Arr.
> The Loctite stuff wasn't worth a wank - it crumbled up - and that was even
> before torquing the bolt down. Maybe the area wasn't cleaned enough.
> Thanks to all who responded - I'll check out the "heel cawl" kit next time
> I'm in the big city. Thomas had a brain wave of just using a bolt through
> the block and pan and securing with a nut. Unfortunately, just where the
> hole exits inside the block there was a big bolt (holding the main bearing
> in place) so I couldn't drop a bolt down the hole. Good idea, though.
> Also, there was no chance of "chasing" the thread or putting in a "heel
> cawl" as there was only about 1" clearance between the pan and
> cross-member.
> Also, good news is it doesn't seem to be leaking oil. I say "seem" because
> I don't feel like jacking the car up and getting underneath again. Maybe
> in the year 2005.
> Also, the oil pressure seems to have steadied to almost what it should be
> (40 to 60 when running) I drove round for about 20 miles but the engine
> never got past the half way mark, ie never warmed to what it was during
> summer. But I really think just changing the big end bearing has helped.
> Yessir!!!!!!
> Of course, I'm mucho pleased that Mr. Con Rod decided to stay put and not
> poke his head out of the engine.
> Thanks again everyone, Adrian
Locktite is squirted into the hole wet and then insert the bolt.It will
dry and keep the bolt in place. Some folks use it on all bolts and
fasteners that need that extra assurance/insurrance.
52 TD