At 11:17 PM 10/26/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi, Enrique!
>I have an old VW. Is the service free, or is it very expensive... ie., how
>much does it cost? I'm planning on selling the VW to finance my MGA...
>The certificate you are looking for for the MG is available from British
>Heritage Trust (?). I think it costs $40 or $45, but you'll probably find
>out more accurate info from other list members...
>At 05:20 PM 10/26/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hi MG folk: Volkswagen has a service for vintage VW where you Email you vin
>>or chasis and motor number and they mail you a certificate that states when
>>your car was born, exported and other stats. Does MG Leyland have anything
>>similar? Enrique
>>Enrique Claure
>>PO BOX 777-TOP 196
>>MIAMI FL 33152
Hi, To all the lucky people that have an MGB and a vintage VW, and need to
get a free pedigree from Volkswagen, write to atention
Michelina Lauriola Maenza. Give them your name, mail address, motor and chas
number and any other info. Takes about two weeks and yes is FREE, hint hint!