On Fri, 24 Oct 1997 22:16:30 -0500 The Richards <smrm@coastalnet.com>
>Who is Andy Gump?
>It was Andy Capp. I think Andy Capp is cool. I also read the article.
>writer was a former B owner, and I didn't pick up anything more
>than tongue in cheek self-deprication.
> BTW, does Anyd Capp still exist in this PC world?
>Michael, New Bern, NC
I 'avnt seen Andy in a dogs age - except on packets of munchies they sell
gas stations called Andy Capps hot fries or similar
I bet he's still getting pissed at lunchtime and giving Flo a back'ander
he gets 'ome if 'is dinner 'aint on the table!!
BTW - never saw him drive an MG (for the sensitive amongst us)
mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
72 roadster