This brings up a good point, some times one reads a posting and
thinks hey someone else will answer this. The delete key is then hit and
off it goes into cyberspace. It's probably a good idea to repost
mentioning that it is a second post. Sorry but I have no suggestion on
this problem.
On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Michelle CamilleriPaul Senior wrote:
> I mailed th other week regarding btake info for my 66 mgb and to date have
> recieved no ideas. does this mean my mail didnt get through? I'm intreseted
> in inexpensive ways of upgradibg my brakes, and if i can ues the split
> system from a MkII austin 1800 and if I can would it make any difference any
> way.
> Paul Senior
> Client Services
> ACCESS Programs