On 10/17/97 7:59 PM so and so Editors, Molecular Vision said. (And I
Well put, Jeff I agree wholeheartedly.
>Your post makes it appear as though you think that people who are concerned
>about air quality are "envirionmentalist wackoo...Earth First pinkos." I
>assure you that I am not, but I am concerned about air pollution. I live in
>Atlanta, a city with almost no heavy industry but a lot of cars. A LOT of
>cars. We have a horrendous air pollution problem. Where does this comes
>My observation that we have a horrendous pollution problem is not based on
>the scores of studies conducted by many groups from many sides of this
>issue (though they certainly exist). My observation is based on flying
>small planes around the metro area for the last 12 years and seeing
>first-hand the pollution bubble growing bigger and thicker every year. It's
>also based on watching many of my friends and colleagues developing worse
>and worse allergies and an allergy season growing until it's practically
>"Tree huggers get on my nerves in the worst way. Why can't they go out, hug
>some trees, and let the rest of us do the things we want to..."
>What if the 'other' rest of us want to breathe something approximating
>clean air? When does your right to drive an LBC become more important than
>my right to breathe air that doesn't send me to the E.R. with a
>life-threatening asthma attack? When does my right to breathe good air
>supercede your right to pursue happiness in an MG? People who think all
>problems are Gordian knots that can be solved at one stroke "get on my
>nerves in the worst way."
>The bottom line is that pollution is a real problem in many parts of the
>nation. How will you, Bill, help solve the problem? If you, with your
>concerns, do not participate in the solution, regardless of where you live,
>I guarantee that those who _do_ come up with a solution, those "tree
>huggers," will not have your best interests at heart. They will come up
>with what they see as the most effective solution that costs them the least
>effort. Crushing all old cars to cut pollution may seem like a great deal
>to them. It's silly, but it's happening in Europe. Solutions will be
>enacted. If we think that those involved in formulating them are wacko, or
>that those who are legitimately concerned can be written off as
>tree-hugging pinkos, then who will the laws favor in the end --
>participants or single-issue hobbiests? (as many view us)
>If I've offended any conservatives, liberals, ditto-heads, tree-huggers,
>republicans, democrats, or libertarians, I truly apologize. After all,
>there is never an excuse for being rude.
>Jeff Boatright