Cut the l shaped tip off. Attach the clip to the part that the
wrench goes on it's the thickest part. Then clip the whole contraption to
a good ground (attach the spark plug wire as normal). It takes more energy
for the spark to make this jump then a regular spark plug so it will give
a more accurate test of the system.
On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Skye Poier wrote:
> Word on the street is that Art Pfenninger (ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU) said:
> > A plug that will fire outside of the engine (laying on the rocker
> > cover)may not fire under compression.Test with a spark tester. Take an old
> > spark plug and cut the tip off. Then sheet metal screw a large aligator
> > clip to the side. Attach the spark plug cable and try it again.
> I've seen these instructions before, maybe you can clear up a couple points..
> Cut off the tip: you mean the little l-shaped bit the spark normally
> jumps from/to (not the anode is it? the cathode? hmm doubt it) or further
> up?
> Where do you screw the sheet metal screw through? On the threaded part of
> the plug? I assume you should be careful not to go through to whatever is
> on the other side of that threaded part...
> The alligator clip clips to ground..
> And what is the desired result of this contraption?
> Dense,
> Skye