Can't resist...but I know I'll just hate myself in the morning...
>>Nory wrote:
>>> Personally, I read every post - I don't want to miss anything, whether
>>> it's a part for sale that I need, or another novel use for a cat. I
>>> read and enjoy it all.
Me too!
>>> Nobody should be so self-centered as to assume this list is for only
>>> their use and enjoyment, and to hell with what anybody else wants.
Then ol' Trev responded,
>> Can you not see the hypocrisy in those two sentences?
>> You are saying that you want the list to be a certain
>>way and that everyone who doesn't agree should just
>> Then you say that nobody should be so self-centered
>>to think the list is supposed to be their way and
>>to hell with everybody else.
>> How can you type that with a straight face?
>I think what Nory was saying is .....(SNIP). And I notice you don't
>have any trouble deciding who the "good" people are in so far as your own
>idealized list is concerned. Were you a hall monitor in high school,
Y'know folks, I dunno 'bout anyone else, but I for one am sure getting
wearing of ol Trev's posturing and single-sighted opinions. I love each and
every post - 'cept for those that are barbed and bitter - which Ottawa-boy
here seems to fling about. Heck, I even got flammed by the Boicey-meister
'cause he didn't like the fact my opinion didn't match his.
The recommendation about delete key use has been mentioned many times. I use
mine whenever I see a post from ol' TB...
Life's too short. C'mon Trev, lighten up - or do us all a favour, and stay
on the TR list.
Asbestos will line my mailbox.