Check your fuel pump. Might be working slugishly or intermitantly. Somtimes
they will work when you pull the hose off the carburetor because there is no
back pressure.
Jamey Harris wrote:
> Thanks again to all who have helped with my previous problems. I
> have solved most of the problems and I will soon replace the gas
> tank. Sorry to continue to leech off your knowledge, but I have reached
> another brick wall in my own know-how and really can't afford to pay for
> a mechanic's. Here's the problem....
> 79B - started-up just fine this morning, but 15 seconds later sputtered
> and died even though I had my foot on the gas. There's gas in the
> tank, and I'm getting delivery at the carb.
> My meager understanding and Haynes suggest a carb or choke problem or
> "air leaks in induction system". Any suggestions as to how I can narrow
> it down or solve the problem before I have it towed to the local British
> auto repair shop?
> Any advice will be appreciated (even if it's "quit bugging us and call
> the tow truck").
> Thanks,
> Jamey Harris
> 79B