> Looking for some information on cylinder head modification. The engine in
> my B is from a 79 spec car. The bottom end was rebuilt a couple of years
> ago. The head is from an early (pre-68)car, hence it has the "deep"
> combustion chambers. This, combined with the dished pistons equates to a
> very low compression engine.
> 1) How much should I have shaved from the head. My goal is to end up with
> a compression ratio of around 9:1. I definitely don't want to cause
> reliability problems.
> 2) Are any of the "service vendors" on the list interested in doing this
> head for me? If so, please respond (privately if you wish) with your
> reccomendations and a budgetary quote.
> Regards,
> Chris Delling
Well, I should have read your original post before replying. Seems
you already knew about the differences in combustion chamber volume.
I would think that if you use stock flat-top pistons from a pre-68
engine, you should be able to get 9.0:1 without shaving the head. I
think 9.0:1 was a stock ratio in the pre-68 engines.
Are you planning to replace the rods? I understand that you can use
any pistons in any year engine, as long as you use the appropriate
rods, since bore/stroke was always the same for the 1800 engine. I
would order rods and flat-top pistons appropriate to whatever year
your head was made, and you should be all matched up.
Scott Gardner