Donna Swope wrote:
> As a new MG club in the Austin TX area, we are looking for guidance in
> conducting events -- such as rally's, gymkhana's, etc. Is there a book,
> web site, or other resource out there that will aid us? Thanks!
16.) Try to get a spiffy T-shirt made. Pocket-T's sell better. If you
get a decent logo, pay for a designer to make one. $200 is enough
interest a hungry art/design student. Have deadlines for delivery.
15.) Permanent name tags are good. Have room on tag for car, too. Make
money on name tags (and everything else you do).
14.) Don't be afraid to charge dues. $20 seems to be a median.
13.) Gymkhana's are difficult -- there are few talented drivers and
prepared cars. Gimmick Gumkhana's, however, can be done in small
parking lots.
12.) There are a lot of cars that sit in garages. Try to have some
events where cars are optional (park picnics with kiddy areas).
11.) All stops should have bathrooms.
10.) They most often show up when food is available.
9.) You're lucky to get 10% participation.
8.) Tech sessions at commerical shops or people's homes are popular.
7.) For driving events, watch out for liability (well written waiver).
6.) A rally shouldn't be more than 30 miles or 45 minutes. The rally
sheets should be no more than 5 pages. There should be no more than
1/2 miles between landmarks. One observation queston between
5.) Tie drives into some other hobby (antique run, scanvenger hunt,
lake tours, public parks).
4.) A newsletter should, foremost, calendar events and provide
of past events. Use the local newspaper to post event times.
A timely newsletter is more important than a pretty one.
3.) Encourage pariticpation with other clubs.
2.) A monthly resturant meet or "cruise night" can gather interest.
1.) Do events that would be fun with only four or five cars -- make
for 12 -- any more is a fluke.
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva(?)