At 9:31 PM 10/3/97 -0400, wrote:
>Hello chaps,
>I am planning to have the seats in my MGA reapholstered (red leather) while
>it is in hibernation this winter. I would like to hear from others who may
>have some suggestions as to whether I should order the seat kit from Moss?
> Or are there others that I should consider.
I can't answer the qestion from personal experience, but when I was
looking into upholstery for my B a few months ago, I found out that all
leather is patterned subtly, so make sure that your seats match your
interior. I believe that Moss sells seats that are only part leather,
some portions (the sides, etc.) are made from vinyl. You might want to
check and be sure you are getting full leather seats for your money. You
could also look at Mike Satur's homepage, he advertises full leather
upholstery. YMMV no affiliation, but he was recommended to me by this
list. Good luck!