On Sat, 27 Sep 1997 22:40:27 -0400 (EDT) MGSMGBGT@aol.com writes:
>one, assuming one is at least as bright as a Nebraskan, does not swim.
> Rather one drives his/her LBC across the bridge to get to Texas.
>Why one would want to go there is another matter.
Anyone from Lincoln, Nebraska should only enter Texas very slowly. One
must make a slow transition from complete and total boredom of Lincoln to
the comparatively overwhelming excitement of Wichita Falls. Too much too
fast could be dangerous to one's health.
Don't even think about going to Dallas, Houston, San Antonio or Austin
without at least two days worth of acclimation.
And don't think that spending a weekend in the bustling metropolis of
Omaha will suffice!
David Littlefield (who has lived in Lincoln and doesn't want to go back)
Houston, TX