>I don't know. I wish I *was* out driving. I finally got the pirelli
>p600s on yesterday, and I can't believe the difference. Could be my
>imagination, but the engine seems to be running more happily. Not to
>mention braking, turning, and response. A much smoother ride, even
>while giving a better sense of the road surface...and the last week has
>been about perfect MG weather in KC, mostly sunny and low 70s! I've
>been driving, top down, as much as I can. Lots of errands run...:-)
>Now, I'll try to be out more before the rains hit this weekend...
> Of course, I'm confused as to what to do about the higher psi
>specified on the tires, as opposed to the MG manual reference for the
>original tires. There's quite a diff between the 22-24 lbs in the
>manual and the 45 max of the new tires. My guess is that the sensible
>thing is to stay within the low end of the tire manufacturer's range,
>but then again I'm obviously not confident enough to not ask on the
>list, eh.
> Barry
Rather be drivin as well, but I got to pay for parts (My wife thinks it's
for roof and feed but we all know better ;-) Watch the tire pressure, if
too low the tires will wear on the edges more than the center, it will
look like a frown when viewed from the front. I tend to agree that with
the weight of your car to stay on the lower side of the range. Try
starting about the middle of the range and see how it feels. Others my
have more specific suggestions.
Larry Macy
78 Midget