From: "Richard H. Cady" <cadyxrh@ctxix.sod.eds.com>
Hi All,
Is there a compact spare wheel out there that will fit MGB hubs? I've
references that Nissan / Datsun rims fit the B - did any of these cars
a compact spare?
1970 MGB roadster
Išve got a compact spare in my GT that is from a Datsun. I went to a
tire store that sells used tires, and they tried on spares until we
found one that cleared everything. Not that it does a lot of good in
the GT (but I can hide a couple of pizza's back there now).
I have a 70 Roadster too, and am wondering if a Midget wire wheel will
fit the MGB's hubs? This to give me more room in my trunk...er boot.
Any one know? Or know of a 13" tri*mph or other wheel that may fit the
B's hubs?
Dave Tietz
'70 MGB
'70 MGB-GT
'90 Chrysler Le Baron