At 12:51 AM 2/9/97 -0500, Adam Harmon wrote:
> I have the plastic dash cover that is purchased aftermarket. Can
>anyone tell me how to successfully glue this sucker down? I got the mg from
>my father, and i cant seem to find an epoxy that will hold it to the heavily
>sun-damaged dash board. If anyone has success in installing this, please
>let me know what product you have used, and how you got the replacement dash
>to stay in place while it dried? thanks all, Adam.
I too have added a dash cap. It came with an adhesive in the package. I
beleive it was a heavy duty "rubber" type cement. As I recall it ws to be
applied to both the cap and the dash, allowed to set up a bit then the cap
was applied, weighted down and allowed to cure. I don't remember exacrly
what I used to weight it down but I know it involved a lot of towels to
prevent scratches. Probably some bricks too.
Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer, MA.