On Thu, 23 Jan 1997 03:12:59 -0500 (EST) CMaster808@aol.com writes:
>How is it you say, for every action there is a reaction? Carefull how
>paint a picture it just may come true. I know there is a few Colorado
>that whish they would never have tried to colorize the state to those
>Californians. And you think it's bad when the Ny people take a holiday
>the fall to see your hidaway, you just wait untill the world shrinks
>for the west coast to weekend in the Green Mountains.
Actually Chet (and Ray) I've done the fall holiday in Vermont and
surrounding states. Spent 10 days there a couple of years ago commencing
with the auto jumble at the MG museum. Loved every minute of it.
Especially those crisp fall mornings!
Dick 8>)
Vintage Parts & Products
Camarillo, CA
Have MG will travel