1. A Great big THANKS to Mark for doing the work to keep the
Digests going. I enjoy reading them daily, expecially in
the long winter days when I can't wait to get my hands on
my "C" (I've had a BGT for the last two years, and got the
roadster at the end of the season).
2. I know what car Number One is, but what was the Old
Speckled Hen?
3. Vestiges of MG parts can still be found in the Whitney
Catalog. I found torsion bars and a front air dam in the
last catalog I received.
4. David Deutch upsets people because his "jokes" are mean
spirited. Rude is never funny.
5. The back of Octagon, the newsletter of the AMBGA, lists
discounts offered to members. They include discounts on
parts from various companies, and for those who need just
one part, Moss offers free shipping to members who mail or
fax their orders.
6. The BGT was designed to look like an Aston Martin (I've
seen this in several places). It had design help from
Pinninfarina (sp?) (a trivia question from the Moss Screen
7. I've enjoyed my Screen Saver from Moss. Contrary to the
advert, only one screen caries their logo.
He who has the most toys when they die are still dead.
Real Men don't care what any one else eats.
If you've got it, you don't have to flaunt it.