On Sat, 16 Mar 1996, Allan R. Hovis wrote:
> I have posted a few messages about problems I have had starting with the
> use of Mystery Oil but I think the problem is due to ignition voodoo. The
> car will run fine at idle but give it some gas and runs very rough with
> black smoke (rings!). Compression is fine, carbs cleaned and look good,
> (although puzzling fact of most of the air flow is into the rear carb). I
Although your ignition test seems convincing, don't jump to conclusions
too fast. Oil-smoke from worn rings should be blue. Too much gas (rich
mixture) will look black.
Did your problem start right after you had put in the MMO ?
You are saying that your carbs are badly out of adjustment, fix this first!
For further investigating:
Check the air flow balance between the two carbs at idle when it runs
nicely and at more gas.
My wild guess: One of the clamps on the shaft that connects the two carbs
is loose, so that you are running on one carb when you give it some gas.
Then again, maybe it is the ignition...
> took a plug wire off and put it on an extra plug which I grounded to the
> block and started the car on three. The spark looked normal and regular
> at idle. When I give it a little gas, the firing became erratic in
> appearance and regularity. I have a Allison/crane EI and the distributor
> part seems fine (same result with vacuum advance disconnected). Has
> anyone had a problem with the electronic box similar to this? I know
> there have been problems but are they usually total or has someone seen
> something like this? Will Allison service or checkout the unit? Any
> help/experiences will be appreciated. I MISS MY CAR!
> Allan Hovis
> hovisa@nando.net
> Raleigh, NC
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'67 Sprite '66 Caddy