Wayne Kube wrote:
>Should I cement it or not?
>Do I re-cement the flap to the bar, or should it be
>sewn around the bar?
It's up to you what method to use, or to do it at all. If I had it to do
over again, I'd sew it up so it can have a little lateral slide. If
glueing, you'd better get it dead-on right, cuz you won't be able to redo it.
>3. How tightly should I stretch the top?
Tough one. Definitely don't do it like Stupidme did--outdoors on black
pavement in the blazing sun on HOT day. Once the temperature drops below
55F, putting the top up becomes dern near impossible. Figure a good
approach would be to do it rather snugly on a day whose temperature is
pretty close to what you'd imagine would be the lowest temperature you'd
have the top down.
Jay Tilton | jtilton@vt.edu