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Re: Fuel Stabilizer Part3

To: (Denise Thorpe),
Subject: Re: Fuel Stabilizer Part3
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 07:54:00 -0500

>> Just received word from the manufacturer that the Fuel Stabilizer Series C ,
>> Model C-100 is now available at a cost of $495 plus shipping (+ 6% sales tax
>> NJ Residents only).  
>>                       Inset Marketing
>>                       ATTN: Order Processing Dept.
>>                       841 Mountain Avenue
>>                       Springfield, NJ  07081
>>                       Tel. 201-376-6809
>>                       Fax 201-912-8951
>Okay, now we're talkin' turkey.  If 50 people on this list donated $10 
>each to buy one of these things, would some chemist or engineer be willing 
>to try to figure out if or how it works?  Where do I send my check?
>Doubting Denise
>I'm in for $10. We have a chemist on this list. This is really a good idea. We 
will either find the greatest thing since sliced bread, or have a wonderful 
report for the local prosecutor.

Mike Leckstein

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