Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 03:31:33 -0500
Subject: Re: MGA help needed
re your brake light switch question. Test the switch by jumping the two
connections on the brake lamp switch. Be sure ign is ON. If light goes on,
switch is bad, and I'm afraid you will have to replace it. I have done this
on my Healey, with no need to bleed the brakes. If light does NOT go on,
check the circuit from the A4 fuse to the switch, switcvh to #5 relay
terminal. Note there is a snap connector in that circtuit and that could be
a source of the problme also. --John Trifari 1955 BN1/1980 MGB
> I have had exactly the same problem on my 56 roadster!
It should be an easy job! Just remove the switch and screw in a new one.
The little fluid lost will mean no air bubbles!
I tried to remove the pressure switch...would it budge! Would it ....
I had 2 extensions on a socket and a bloody 2ft long lever on the thing.
The problem is that you have to be careful not to bend the 4 brake pipes.
The 4 way union is only bolted down with one bolt and can pivot.
I had a test coming up so opted for an electrical solution. I simply
ran two wires up to a brake light switch actuated by the mc arm.
The switch from a Leyland Metro cost $2. Considerably less than the
pressure switch.
I intend to overhaul the brakes soon and restore all to original state.
Then I can get the sod on in my vice or replace the whole thing union and
Steve Foster Guildford U.K.