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Re: I killed my cat.

Subject: Re: I killed my cat.
From: "James R. Ferguson" <>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 21:21:28 -0500
At 01:38 PM 3/5/96 -0600, you wrote:
>A lesson learned the hard way:

>I knew better, but I wasn't thinking.

Way back when I had my first MG (A new MGA-1600 '60 model) I was starting
off to college after a wild weekend;  I started the MG, drove abut 100 ft.
out the driveway and heard a horrrible noise.  I stopped and checked, only
to find a broken fan belt and cat parts all over the engine.  It was my cat,
warming on the engine, I guess. The fan was Hell! 

Needless to say, the cat burial and fan belt replacement really delayed my trip.

Enough for Cat stories. Now I have 3 MGAs and three cats.  Slap the hood
before starting.


Jim Ferguson

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