> Berrie C. Watson writes:
> > When you tow with a dolly, it is tempting to tow with the rear wheels up
> > on the dolly- and circumvent having to play with the transmission. THIS
> > IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. I tried this a couple of months ago, and nearly
> > killed myself, as I fishtailed out of control on a major highway.
> I dunno. I dragged my 'B from Fresno, CA to the MS Coast this way (4
> solid days of driving, and a two-year-old to boot). I used a bungee
> cord to lash the bottom steering wheel spoke to the driver's seat frame.
> This permits, but restrains, steering wheel movement.
FWIW when I was a lad my Dad's '67 Pontiac Tempest died and needed a
tow to the shop. The tow truck guy lifted the rear and secured the (non
locking) steering wheel with the seat belt. This prevented the front
wheels from turning while he drove. Granted he was only going a few
miles to the garage but if it can happen in 2000 mi. it can happen in 2
- -Mark