>>>> If I remember correctly, you can get at the sending unit from the inside
>>>> if you remove the thermostat housing and thermostat.
>>>Yeah, but how do you get the housing off without breaking/damaging
>>>something? Mine won't budge.
Try spraying it all around with WD40 or similar, if not tap it sideways with
a mallet to try to shift it. It that fails, take the filler plug out the top
of the housing. You can then get a bar or peice of wood in there to lever it
One thing not to try to do is get a screwdriver or anything in the join and
lever it off - you risk damaging the mating faces that way.
Good luck.
Andy Castellano Smith. | email:
Image Processing Group. |
Cunliffe Labs, New Guy's House. | tel. : 0171 955 4208
Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT. | fax. : 0171 955 4913
1977 Chrome Bumper Midget "Mungo" for short.
DPO of 1975 Rubber Bumper Midget "Mary" for short.