Couple of other things about the Magnette.Magnette came long before MGAs,
first ZA Magnettes were built in 1953 on a parallel production line to
the TF.The design was based on the Lancia Aurelia and the very similar
Wolseley 4/44 actually beat the Magnette out of the factory but it was a
dog,heavy but with a single carb XPAW engine similar to the YB engine.MG
saw this and were given the BMC Austin B engine which was much better
and hence the B engined Magnette was a much better car than the 4/44.BMC
then ordered this engine to be put into the Wolseley making it a
15/50.The B engine then went on to propel the MGA then the MGB and a host
of other BMC,British Leyland,Austin Rover vehicles.Keith.