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Re: BSF Tools

To: Dave & Liz DuBois <>
Subject: Re: BSF Tools
From: "J.E.A.Rich" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 14:17:46 -0600

I agree with your remarks re Phillip, always very helpful. I needed a 7/16
BSF tap and called his number. I got a recording telling me the unfortunate
news so I called the NY number. The lady I spoke to said they weren't taking
orders yet as the inventory had yet to be transfered but they should be in
business in about a week's time. Thanks for the rest of the info.

Cheers, "Bob".

From: Dave & Liz DuBois <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 09:58:03 -0700
To: "J.E.A.Rich" <>
Cc: MG MMM <>, MG - T <>
Subject: Re: BSF Tools


Thanks (I guess) for the news about British Tools and Fasteners.  I am sorry
to see it being sold as Phillip was a great person to do business with.  I
did a reverse lookup of the phone number and found that the company that is
taking over is Caswell Inc. and their web site is .  It is primarily a seller of plating
supplies and tools.  There was nothing on their web site about their taking
over British Tools and Fasteners.  I guess we will just have to wait and

Uncheerfully over the news,

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