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Subject: NEMGTR
From: Charlie Baldwin <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:45:18 -0400
I have several friends who have been treated badly by the T Register.  I 
first met Hank Rippert in 1971 when I attended a joint picnic of the DVC 
(of which Hank was President) and the Chesapeake Chapter which they held 
in southern Lancaster County, PA.  Many of the members of both clubs 
were very nice and welcomed my girlfriend and I to their event.  Hank 
wasn't one of them.  He seems as arrogant today as he was back then.
A couple of years ago, my local MG club, the Lanco MG Club applied to 
the T Register to be a local chapter.  We are a club with over 200 
members with perhaps 25 T types.  The closest other local chapters are 2 
hours away.  Hank determined that we didn't have a high enough 
percentage of  T types in the club to be considered.  It seems that they 
don't care about the future of the T Register, or they would be taking 
such opportunities to spread the influence of the club.

Charlie Baldwin
'52 TD, T Register #2346 wrote:

In a message dated 6/9/04 19:08:57 Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: Horst Schach Book Date:  6/9/04 19:08:57 Pacific 
Daylight Time

In a message dated 6/9/2004 3:01:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 >  I gave up on the NEMGTR after I joined and couldn't even find
 > out what my membership # was.  Joined the local British car club 
instead with
 > real people who find the time to answer e-mail.
What is it with NEMGTR, anyway? I joined when I bought by 52 TD (which 
came in several boxes and buckets).  Loved their magazine, and went to a 
couple of local NJ chapter events.  Good stuff!  Then one year, when my 
membership was up, I prepaid for 3 years worth.  A year later, I got a 
renewal notice. I e-mailed the subscription folks, never heard, and 
after 2 months, the magazine stopped.  I e-mailed subscription, regalia 
and cc'd the boss. No response.  Sent another round of e-mails to the 
entire leadership, including a copy of my cancelled check as evidence of 
paying 3 years worth.

Never heard anything from anybody, never started receiving the mag 
again, so I've officially sworn off NEMGTR.

At one of the events I went to, the older members were bemoaning the 
fact that there aren't enough "yongsters" taking up the T series.  I 
considered myself one of the youngsters (late 30's at the time), but 
after the way they totally ignored one of their paying members, it's no 
And I'm now honestly considering swapping the TD for an MGA!  Another 
"youngster" lost.... >>

As a long time NEMGTR member and having had some of the same problems 
are you, I have two suggestions:

First, sign your emails and give a location so we will know who you are 
and where you live.
Second, send a copy of your message to Hank Rippert at
Hank is the new leader and I'd bet he'd try to make it up to you.

Terry Sanders
Oakland, CA who just bought yet another project car, a TF1500 and also 
has these:
1934 MG NA Fourseater
1937 MG SA Tickford
1938 MG TA Roadster Special
1953 MG TD Arnolt coupe

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