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To: MG-T <>, MGS <>
Subject: Re: MG-TABC
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 07:47:23 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 00:29 -0000, Bob D. wrote:

> I've been looking for some more MG lists to join. I found something
> called MG-TABC in Yahoo. It's description says it's for the TA, TB and
> TC. Anyone familiar with it? I can't believe they would exclude the TD
> and TF!

Nobody is excluded from joining the MG-TABC list, but it was created
primarily for TA/TB/TC owners because most discussion on the MG-T list is
TD/TF oriented.  The only major componant the TD & TF share with the TB &
TC is the engine, otherwise they are completely different cars.

Feel free to join MG-TABC if you want to.  TD/TF questions usually get
answered there, but if you bombard the list with them you'll get a bunch
of gentle (usually) reminders that it's a TA/TB/TC oriented list.

Chip Old               1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  XPAG7430  NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland     1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO  CT3479E

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