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Re: Purchase Inspection Help Needed

To: MG-T <>
Subject: Re: Purchase Inspection Help Needed
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 15:15:09 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Nels Anderson wrote to

> That's a kind of scary and discouraging reply, as I had no indication
> previously these cars were potentially such trouble.
> Is there some specific reason you suspect "a peck of trouble"? Something
> specific about this car, or is it the model in general?

There's nothing inherently wrong with TDs in general.  Properly maintained
they are very reliable.  However when buying one you have 50 years and who
knows how many Dumb Previous Owners (DPOs) working against you, plus a
current owner (possibly a DPO) who may have a grossly exaggerated
perception of the car's condition and of its value.  Unless you have tons
of money to throw around, it pays to be careful.  If you can find an
expert to take with you, do so.

Chip Old               1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  XPAG7430  NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland     1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO  CT3479E

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