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Re: Chrome Shops?

Subject: Re: Chrome Shops?
From: "Scott Allen" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 16:19:23 PDT
I've used three in getting stuff done on my TD.  One did the
windscreen and brackets, one did the radiator shell, and another
did everthing else, ('cept hubcaps).  The best (IMHO) was
Graves Playing in AL.

I say this for several reasons.  If you look around at chrome shops
you know that turn-around can be slow.  Also it ain't cheap.
Graves struck a decent balance in both accounts.  More important,
what I sent him needed some serious repair work, and I'd
already had it mucked up once by a shop that wouldn't admit
the work was beyond their abilities.  Graves did a first-rate job
fixing it.

Hope this helps?


Scott Allen
>Subject: Chrome Shops?
>Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 10:51:48 EDT
>I'm looking for an excellent chrome restoration shop, the YT I'm doing 
>all the chrome redone and some minor dings in the turn signal lamps 
>I really need quality work done. Any suggestions?

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