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Painting my PA - some 2-tone blues

Subject: Painting my PA - some 2-tone blues
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2000 12:12:37 +0100
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="BDY.TXT"
        ;Creation-Date="Sat, 29 Apr 2000 12:12:36 +0100"

Dear MMMers,
Why is it that things are never as simple as they first appear?!
I'm ready to paint my PA in the "correct" 2-tone blue (thanks to those=20
listers who have previously pointed me in the right direction regarding =

Although we all know that the body, bonnet and tank are light blue and=20
the wings (swept) and the running boards are dark blue, there are some=20
bits where the "proper" colours are not so apparent.
I reckon the following MAY be correct, but as I am more fallible than=20
most, any guidance that you can give would be appreciated:.............
Light blue:
Bonnet (both sides of panels?)
Bonnet boards (i.e. the horizontal panels that take the bonnet catches)
Tank straps (or are they chromed?)
Body tub (but see also below.......)
Dark blue:
Wings (both sides)
Running boards (both sides)
Spare wheel carrier ?
Rear wing brackets ?
Headlamp brackets - (or black?)
All of chassis - including the bit that protrudes rearwards below the=20
Front wing support brackets - (or dark blue?)
Rain channel ?
Steering column bracket and=A0 clamp - (or chromed?)
Prop shaft tunnel (3 pieces)
The body tub
Exterior =3D Light blue - but what about the metal front panel (the bit =

that your feet poke through)=A0 Is this body colour or , say, black?
And what about the metal frame the body is fixed to - is this just body =

Are the wooden panels that are NOT covered by trim panels =3D body=20
colour?=A0 E.g. the vertical panel that fits against the rear of the pro=
shaft tunnel and the horizontal panel that goes over the battery and=20
back axle?
AND FINALLY (with thanks to those who have read this far!)
Can anyone help me decide the best paint method for the inside of the=20
wings?=A0 I'm painting the car in cellulose, not acrylic paint and I=20
realise that this material will not last 5 minutes when exposed to road =

grit etc.=A0 I do not really want to use Hammerite or an underseal=20
material as this will not produce the smooth finish I'm looking for.=A0 =

Have any of you got a suggestion?
Thanks as always for any help and guidance that you can offer.
Dick Morbey


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